Our Club
The Central Rockies Schipperke Club was established to support the Schipperke dog breed in the Rocky Mountain region. We are currently a small club of around 30 members from Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. We have additional members from as far away as Florida.
CRSC is sanctioned as a licensed Specialty breed club by the American Kennel Club (AKC).
Most members show Schipperkes in AKC conformation and obedience, but membership is not limited. We encourage all who want to support the Schipperke breed to become members.
How to Join Our Club
Membership shall be open to all persons who are in good standing with the American Kennel Club and who subscribe to the objectives and code of ethics of the Central Rockies Schipperke Club.
Membership is not limited to breed owners, but shall be open to anyone interested in the breed.
(a) Regular membership. A type of membership with voting privileges open to persons eighteen (18) years of age or older.
(b) Associate Membership. A type of membership, selected by the applicant, not carrying voting privileges, but having all other privileges of membership. Associate Membership is recommended for those applicants unable to attend regular meetings. If at any time an Associate Member wishes to establish Regular Membership status, he may do so by following normal application procedures for Regular Membership.
(c) Junior membership. A type of Associate membership not carrying voting privileges, but having all other privileges of membership, open to anyone between ten (10) and eighteen (18) years of age. A Junior Member, who turns 18 and wishes to establish Regular Membership status, may do so by following normal application procedures for Regular Membership
Click here for a membership application so you can join the club.
Meeting Schedule
Our meetings are normally the fourth Tuesday of each month. Meetings are posted on the events calendar. An educational program is presented at many meetings. A club Schipnic (picnic with Schipperkes) will be held in July, and a Holiday Meeting is usually held on the Saturday between Christmas and New Years.
Benefits of Membership
Membership in the CRSC benefits the Schipperke breed by providing a local resource for information. The CRSC actively educates the public by providing information booths and pamphlets at area shows.
Members are able and willing to help new Schipperke owners find the resources they need for their pet, obedience, or show dog. Many years of experience is available for sharing.
Club Documents
The Constitution and ByLaws are posted for members. There is also a printable Membership Application.
Club Officers
2025 Club Officers: | |
President | Dennis Hart |
Vice President | Michelle Worthington |
Treasurer | Barbara Murray |
Secretary | Meredith Schmidt |
Board Members | Susan Geiger Carol Jeanne Stewart |
Committee Chairs: | |
Breeder Referral | Meredith Schmidt |
Care & Concern | Carol Jeanne Stewart |
Programs & Activities | Meredith Schmidt |
Policies & Procedures | Barbara Murray |
Standing Rules | Barbara Murray |
Website | Kristen Henry |
Treasurer Mailing Address 150 S Calhan Hwy, Yoder, Colorado 80864 |